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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Leaving You

I don't wanna say goodbye
I don't wanna let you go
I don't wanna walk away
I don't wanna leave you so

I promised a friendship that will last forever
I promised we'll always be together
I promised to love you
I promised you'll never be blue

What can I do if you love him?
What can I do if your heart beats for him
How can I accept that you want him more than me
When more than friendship from you is what I see

So much memories to treasure
So much more if we're together
I want to leave you never
Coz I'll love you forever

If you love him then it's okay with me
I just hope you'll be happier with him than with me
I love you but there's nothing more I can do
Coz your heart and mind already chose for you

I'll start to walk away from you
You don't have to worry if I'm blue
I don't wanna say goodbye but I need to
So now I'm ending everything that once was ME and YOU

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